Mount Carmel Fitness Center
Home Events


Aging Strong

Group Exercise Studio OH, United States

Building a community that promotes overall health, focusing on strength, cardiovascular, and functional exercise. Let's age strong together.


Deep Water Arthritis

Lap Pool OH, United States

This class will leave you hanging, literally.  You will wear a flotation belt and do the class in the deep end of the lap pool.  Great cardio, core, and stretching exercises without any weight bearing stress on the joints.  All levels welcome.


Cardio Step

Group Exercise Studio OH, United States

30 minutes of cardio exercise! Let's get out the steps and get your cardio done with fun uplifting music! This class can also be done without the step, all levels welcome!


Glutes & Core Camp

Group Exercise Studio OH, United States

Focus on strengthening your abs, back & glutes in this 25 min express class!


Hatha Yoga

Mind Body Studio OH, United States

Focuses on mindfulness and puts an emphasis on breath, posture and meditation. The practice allows yogis to find mind & body balance. Hatha yoga has been found to noticeably reduce anxiety and depression.



Group Exercise Studio OH, United States

A fun and addictive dance fitness workout set to catchy pop, rock and hip-hop music. Instructors lead you through the easy to learn moves while you increase aerobic ability and coordination.


Cycling Express

Functional Training Studio OH, United States

Instructors coach you through varying speeds and resistance levels to simulate slow to fast bike paces for a challenging cardio workout with motivating music. Invigorating and fun, you will love sweating it out! You control the pace and load on the bike.


Aqua Fit

Exercise Pool OH, United States

Mix-it-up! This ever-changing class uses elements of HIIT, Pilates, resistance training and more.


Yin Yoga

Mind Body Studio OH, United States

Targets deep connective tissues like joints and ligaments by holding yoga poses for longer periods of time. Yin is a slower, more meditative style of yoga that allows time to turn inward, focus on the physical sensations of the body, stretch and lengthen rarely-used tissues, release energy, increase blood flow and circulation, ease stress and […]


Les Mills BodyPump

Group Exercise Studio OH, United States

BODYPUMP works all major muscle groups with barbells, free weights and body weight exercises. Lower weights are combined with high reps to boost muscular endurance. New to BodyPump? Arrive early so instructors can help with equipment set-up.

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